Income tax vide Notification no. 71/2020 dated 31-08-2020 issues orders to scheduled commercial banks for furnishing information about IT return filing status.
As the data on cash withdrawal indicated that huge amount of cash is being withdrawn by the persons who have never filed income-tax returns. To ensure filing of return by these persons and to keep track on cash withdrawals by the non-filers, and to curb black money, the Finance Act, 2020 w.e.f. 1st July, 2020 further amended Income-tax Act, 1961 to lower the threshold of cash withdrawal to Rs. 20 lakh for the applicability of TDS for the non-filers and also mandated TDS at the higher rate of 5% on cash withdrawal exceeding Rs. 1 crore by the non-filers. The Department has now released a new functionality "ITR Filing Compliance Check" which will be available to Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) to check the IT Return filing status of PANs in bulk mode.